A brand new adventure | Taking the leap of faithSometimes you just have to take a leap of faith. As scary as it may be, how will you ever know if you don’t try? About a month ago, I took my first step towards a dream I’ve had for the last few years and chose to resign from my full-time position in the healthcare industry. This means that as of July, I will be a full time photographer and business owner!
I can honestly say that photography has played one of the biggest roles in shaping what my life is today. While attending Bloomsburg University as a full time business student (where I dreamed of owning my own business), I found myself searching for a hobby I could really enjoy and didn’t cost me a fortune. I’ve always been the artsy type, but I was growing tired of my usual painting and drawing. One day, against my better judgement, I just decided on a whim to spend most of my little work study paycheck on a “fancy” Nikon camera… And thank goodness I did. I became so absorbed in learning all I could about it – having fun trying all the different settings, new angles, how the light changed a picture entirely. I carried it everywhere “just in case” – heck, maybe there was something I wanted to document that day! I guess Aaron (who had been dabbling in photography himself) recognized my drive and began to send me tutorials and helpful hints that he had been using. Little did I know that those helpful messages would lead to a lifetime with this man. I was one of those extremely fortunate people who landed a wonderful job right out of college. It was like I stepped off the stage at graduation and right into my new office. I found out that Aaron also worked for this organization – we had lunch, then a date, and one thing led to the next. We were married in October 2013 and decided to really get serious about starting our photography business shortly thereafter. As Homiak Photography really began to grow, we found ourselves working more often than not. We spend much of our day in the office just to turn around and work more once we get home. Now, don’t get me wrong, it’s not that I don’t like my job. I love that it has provided me with amazing opportunities for both personal and professional growth. Not to mention the truly incredible people I’ve been able to work with who continue to support me and my goals. I just found myself craving the opportunity to create my own schedule (kind of), focus more energy on our phenomenal clients, and really go after my passion.
We began crunching numbers and saw that we could really make this happen if we wanted to. Not having a fixed income seemed incredibly scary to me at first. How could I go without a “real” paycheck? It was hard to wrap my head around what I would do during the slower months. So yea, it may just mean that I can’t buy that dress I wanted this time around or we won’t be going to get wings for dinner this week... but that’s okay! We may have to make some minor adjustments here and there, but I know it will all be worth it. I’m looking forward to the time I get back to really enjoy the things I don’t want to miss out on. No, I don’t have kids to raise… but I do have a husband that I wish to spend more time with, family that I want to visit more often, nieces and nephews that I want to watch grow up, and friends I want to see. There are no words to describe how fortunate I feel to be able to make this a reality all while doing what I truly love. I welcome this brand new adventure with open arms.
Homiak Photography is a husband and wife photography team based out of Catawissa, Pennsylvania specializing in lifestyle portrait and wedding photography. We serve the areas of Northeastern and Central Pennsylvania including Bloomsburg, Danville, Lewisburg and surrounding areas. Comments
Kelly Myers(non-registered)
Congrats, Caitlin! You deserve the very best, and I am so happy for you for deciding to GO FOR IT! God will reward your faith and trust in following your dreams! :)
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